Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Transcripts
Chapter: App 2: Guess that number game
Lecture: String formatting
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So we have our app working but the user feedback could be a little better let's go down here and try to improve this message we sent to the user
instead of just too low, let's say something like your guess of... and we can put in this number this guess they had here
we saw that we could do this by combining strings by saying guess so maybe you'll think well this is a way I can do this here
and this will just combine it that does work in certain languages say your guess of let's say 70 was too low, something like that.
Now, PyCharm is kind of giving away the surprise here, but this is not really love that says
the string int conversion with plus is not going to work out so well for you So let's just run it and find out.
So if I enter something that is going to be for sure too low like 0, let's see what happens, you get this exception,
you cannot convert int object to string, implicitly. Well we technically could explicitly convert it
but it turns out that there is a much better way in Python. What we want to do is we kind of want to put something into this space,
now the way we can do this nice way is we can use these little curly braces inside the string and then call a function on the string called format
and pass whatever we want to go in there. And so, into this location we can say we'd like to take the guess and explicitly convert it to a string,
whatever that means, this time it's a number, so that is pretty straightforward, and then we are going to put the result of it right there.
We can actually pass many parameters here, we could have something like name, like let's change this really quick name=input player what is your name
and these little numbers that go in here talk about the order in which there is specified in the format method.
So guess is first, everything is zero based, so it gets a zero, name is second, so it's {1}, so we could say sorry {1} your guess of {0} was too low.
Now let's go and run this, see if everything is working, enter your name, my name is Michael, enter a guess, I am going to put 0,
sorry Michael your guess of 0 was too low. Now, we are just scratching the surface of the power of this format method.
We can if we wanted to switch the order here, if we specify the place holders in the string in the same order as they are specified as arguments there
we can actually omit the number now this will say sorry name your guess of... whatever the number was, was too low.
We can put in format specifiers here to say I'd like to separate this with commas or convert it to currency, or all sorts of sort of format specifiers
we can take dictionaries and name these things and pull items out of the dictionary by name and then put their values in here, it's very rich,
but let's just go with this for now. So we'll do the too high case here, so your guess was too high, and finally,
we'll just say something nice about winning excellent work so and so, you won it was something like this, right?
so excellent work, whatever the name is and you won it was whatever the guess was. So, let's play the game again,
all right, what's your name, now I've got to enter my name, it's Michael, I am going to guess 50- wow 50 was too high, 25- too low, 35, 40, 45 47,
what do you think, 46, chances are likely, YES! excellent work Michael, you won, it was 46.
See how we can use string format to really simplify and clarify how we convert values into strings.