Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Transcripts
Chapter: App 1: Hello (you Pythonic) world
Lecture: PyCharm Tour

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0:00 Now, before we move on to our next application let's take a quick tour of PyCharm. So, PyCharm has so many features,
0:09 it's very hard to just sit down and show them to you. But let's just take a moment and hit the highlights.
0:13 So on the left over here we have our project, folder, and this can be quite complex, in real apps you might find many subdirectories,
0:21 multiple files, all sorts of stuff, we'll get to that later. But here we just have our directory and our,
0:28 and it actually shows the external libraries that are set up into the particular Python environment that we are working with.
0:34 So you can see that we have things like Pygments, and Chameleon which is a web templating framework
0:40 and mailchimp for managing subscribers, things like that. Not super important for us now,
0:45 but this sort of lets you get at your active Python environment. We can also go over to the structure,
0:51 and the structure for this app is frankly boring, because it just has a few variables and that's it, but if we had functions which were using classes
1:01 and these classes were defined with more functions and fields and attributes and properties, all this kinds of things,
1:08 you would see this would actually be quite interesting, you can use all these little pieces up here to slice and dice them.
1:13 Down at the bottom, we have our run configuration, or a place where we would run our app you can see there is actually two of them running,
1:20 that's kind of a problem, we'll talk about how to fix that. So we can come over here, we can run it,
1:26 we can stop the running one, you can see this one as a green dot because it's running, so we can stop this... it's all good.
1:32 We can also have TODO's so we could come over and put a comment; comments in Python start with "#" hash so I could say, # TODO "this needs cleaned up",
1:42 something like that and I could say something like TODO. All right, so now if you look down here you can see it actually shows us our TODO's
1:50 PyCharm highlights them very nicely up here. Take those back out but that's what this section is for. Here is just a Python console you can...
1:58 as if you typed Python in the terminal or the command prompt, here is literally a terminal, and here is the version control that we talked about.
2:07 There is support for all different kinds of version control, you can see we are actually working on the master branch in GitHub.
2:13 Over here, on the right we have a database section, some really excellent database management and design and querying tools built in the PyCharm.
2:22 We don't have a database that we are working with right now, but if we did, we would connect it here and like it do all sorts of cool stuff.
2:29 Finally we have sort of run, debug and manage version control shortcuts up here. We come up here, we can look at the configuration
2:37 you can see we can actually pass parameters like if I want to just hard code a name and pass it like this,
2:44 this would be passed to our program when it runs, we are not going to do that but we could you could pick which version of Python you want to run
2:51 pass additional options to the interpreter itself there is all kinds of things that we can do here. Remember we had two instances of that app running
3:00 that was kind of weird so we can check off this single instance only and that actually fixes that problem, so you only ever have one running at a time.
3:08 Now when I run it, if it's running and I try to run it again it will say we are going to restart it for you,
3:13 so I often say don't bother me with that just run it again whenever I ask, ok? So like I said, there are many things you can do with PyCharm,
3:22 stuff with version control, stuff with managing virtual machines, all kinds of stuff that we just don't need to get into right now
3:30 but what you saw should give you a really good jumpstart so you can be effective with PyCharm right away.

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