Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Transcripts
Chapter: App 1: Hello (you Pythonic) world
Lecture: Why hello world (it's simple right?)

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0:00 Hello and welcome to the first app you are going to build. It's a Hello World app. And we are naming it Hello (You Pythonic) World.
0:09 So, what exactly are we going to build? Well, it's going to look like this. We are going to have a little Hello World app
0:16 and it's going to have a header that says "Hello App" and it's going to ask a question "What is your name?"
0:21 And then, the user will enter something like "Michael". And you can see here, this is a convention we use throughout the course
0:28 that the yellow indicates user input and the white indicates application output. So the user enters "Michael", and the app will echo back,
0:36 "Nice to meet you, Michel" Now, you may not think that there is a whole lot to learn from such a simple application,
0:42 but in fact, there is really quite a bit going on here. We are going to use the Hello World app not just to show the minimum number of characters
0:48 you have to enter into an editor to get Python to generate an application, but in fact, to verify our Python environment,
0:55 and to get started with our editors, as well as we are extending it to do a little bit more than standard Hello World which is maybe console out,
1:03 but we are talking about basic syntax, strings, accepting input from the users, variables, that kind of stuff. So you can actually learn quite a bit,
1:11 even from this very simple Hello World application.

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