Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Windows: Installing Python and PyCharm

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0:00 Hello my Linux friends! Let's talk about what you've got to setup on your machine to do this class, in the same way that I am, at least,
0:09 you will see that you actually already have Python and Python 3 installed on Linux if you are using something like Ubuntu, so that's pretty awesome.
0:17 I'll show you where to go to get it if you don't happen to have it and I'll show you how to install PyCharm. It works wonderfully on Linux
0:24 but it's a little bit of a pain to set it up so I'll walk you through that. So, here we are over in Ubuntu 15,
0:32 brand new fresh version I literally just downloaded, and we are on the PyCharm page. So we can go and download PyCharm,
0:39 you will see there is actually two versions, there is a professional version and a community edition,
0:44 we are going to download the professional edition, you can get a 30 day free trial and if you pay for it like I do,
0:50 then obviously, you can have it forever. The main difference between the community and the professional edition, the community edition is always free,
0:58 is... the community edition does a whole bunch of cool Python stuff but it doesn't do web or database work, the professional edition does,
1:04 in addition to standard Python things, web frameworks, type script, database designer type things.
1:12 So, for this course, you can totally go by with community but for a professional work, well, maybe professional is the thing to go with.
1:19 Some of the other editors you might choose if for some reason you don't want to use PyCharm,
1:23 is you could use Atom, it is a really great editor from GitHub, I really like it and the video is hilarious so check out the video, just for a laugh.
1:31 Sublime text is very popular, and of course, you can use Emacs or Vim that a lot of people are using. As I said, Ubuntu comes with Python 2 and 3
1:39 but for some reason if you need to download it, just come over here,,
1:43 grab the latest version it'll automatically find the right thing for your operating system, you could also install it with aptitude,
1:50 you can do things like apt-get install Python3 -dev, there is a couple of packages that you can install.
1:57 So first, let's verify that I actually do have Python installed, Python 3 so I can say Python3 --version,
2:04 and we have 3.4.3+, which makes it even better than 3.4.3, awesome, and then we have PyCharm, we are going to go download it, it's kind of big,
2:13 so I actually already downloaded it, go over to my downloads folder, and we have the tarball (tar.gz) right here.
2:19 So we need to decompress this and copy it somewhere, so I come over here, right click and say extract here, and it will extract it out.
2:28 Now it has the version name here, let's find, let's make it new location, let's put it in my home,
2:35 I like to create a folder called bin in my home and then here I'll make a folder called pycharm and within pycharm I'll put pycharm-5.0.4.
2:46 Now if you open it up you'll see there is nothing to run right away but there is a bin folder within there and what we want to do is
2:51 we want to run this script, so I could double click it, and it will just open in gedit, not the best,
2:57 so I am going to come over here and just drop it into my terminal and run it. Now, it turns out, there is a problem,
3:05 PyCharm is built on the IntelliJ platform, IDE platform, and that platform is Java based, so we need to install Java, before we can carry on.
3:16 So on Ubuntu, we'll just use apt-get so we'll say sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk. And I'll put in my password, I'll wait for a moment, and says
3:27 are you sure you want to do this, it might take a moment 171 MG's, it's fine, go Excellent, well, that took a minute, but now we have Java installed,
3:43 let's try to run that again, PyCharm shell, now it's running, you can see it says do you want to import previous versions? well no,
3:50 it's a brand new machine so no, not really; normally I would just log in with my JetBrains account but for now,
3:55 I'll just evaluate it for free, which you guys should be able to do for this class. When PyCharm first opens,
4:04 it asks us what keyboard map and visual theme we would like, I am going to leave the keyboard map alone
4:11 but I like my code my IDEs and windows and stuff to be dark, not bright, so dark background light code,
4:19 so I am going to pick the Dracula theme for both the code colors as well as IDE theme, and I will say ok,
4:29 and it can't make the change unless you restart, so yeah, let's let it restart.
4:34 Excellent, my PyCharm is running, it's nice and dark with its Dracula theme. Now the one other thing I'd like to do is notice it's over here,
4:42 and I kind of like to not be running this shell script anymore straight from the terminal,
4:46 so let's run it one more time, notice it's gone from the launcher. Now it's up and running, I can lock it to the launcher,
4:53 and now this way, when it's gone, I want to launch it again, I can just come over here and launch it straight out of launcher.
4:59 Congratulations, you have PyCharm working on Ubuntu, it's time to head on over and build your first app and have a great time doing it!

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