Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Python language concepts
Lecture: Concept: Creating functions
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You just saw how to call functions. Now let's really quickly cover how to create functions.
Now, I should say right when we get started that there is a lot of flexibility, more than most languages in Python functions and methods,
and so we are just going to scratch the surface here, and not really get into all the details. So the keyword to define functions is def.
We always start with def and then some function name and regardless whether these are methods in classes or standalone functions,
def is the keyword and then we say the name, and then we have a variety of arguments or if we have no arguments, we can just leave this empty.
But here we have two positional required arguments, we could also make these optional by specifying default values,
we can create what are called named arguments where you have to say the name of the argument to pass the value instead of using the position.
We can also take additional extra arguments that the method was not necessarily designed for, but, like I said,
we are not going to dive too deeply into those, here is the basic way to define the method- def, name, parenthesis arguments and then colon
to define the block that is the method. Here we would probably do something like validate the arguments
like throw some kind of ValueError or something, if name is None or email is None, something like that.
Then we are going to do our actual logic of the function, create it using the database and here we are going to somehow get that information back
and to this db_user, maybe we want to tell whoever called create_user the id of the new user that was just created,
so we'll use a return value and we'll return the id that was the database generated id for when we create this user.