Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Course Conclusion
Lecture: Lightning review: mailing-list

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0:01 I hope you're convinced that mailing lists are very valuable. Having a mailing list while not as sexy or publicly visible
0:09 as like twenty thousand followers on facebook or on twitter, is actually much more valuable. We talked about how to set up MailChimp,
0:18 we also talked about some of the other options, such as Drip and whatever you choose, definitely focus on having a mailing list;
0:26 it's one of the really hidden secrets of a successful business. Here you can see many of these new businesses
0:34 before they even launch, they'll have this page they are like hey, we're coming soon definitely definitely sign up for a mailing list,
0:40 so we can tell you when it's ready to launch. And we want to talk about like how do you add a subscriber, right,
0:46 we talked about forms and having people submit forms and validation, but inside your form, like how do you actually do this.
0:52 You could have your own database, and your own mail system, but don't do that, use MailChimp or something equivalent.
0:59 For using MailChimp, you just go and create their API, you give him the key and you just call list.subscribe
1:04 give it the mailing list id that you are using, and a few options and boom- they're all automatically set up.
1:10 Then whenever you're ready to announce your big thing you go to MailChimp and you send an email to everyone who's signed up.

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