Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Getting help (contracting, design, and more)
Lecture: Inside Michael's projects at Upwork
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In the introduction to this chapter I showed you a job I posted. Let me give you a look inside Upwork, how that went.
So here is the job, it's already closed so nobody can come apply for it, but this was the job I posted to have somebody help edit my podcast.
I said I am willing to spend up to $75 on this, now since then, I have spent a lot more money on that because the person I hired for this one job,
it was one podcast, actually turned out to be really good, and I've been using them ever since.
And I actually pay a lot less than $75 per episode to get it edited. OK, you can see about ten months ago it was posted,
apparently I have 23 good reviews, five stars, so this is a sort of bidirectional market place;
like I said, I can verify the people that are applying for these positions,
they can verify that I am not some kind of crazy person, that I pay my bills, I am easy to work with, all these things, it works in both directions.
So let's just scroll through and have a quick look. So you can put in whatever you want in the start here,
I said look, I am going to record these episodes, here is information about the podcast,
I've been doing this myself, I would like to hire someone to do it, I'll share the files with you via Dropbox, things like that.
And then I said I'd like you to do this in Audacity, at least maybe do it in Audacity because I am recording it,
at least at the time I was recording it in Audacity and I wanted to send them the files directly so they had to highest quality.
But it turned out I am not sure if the guy in the end uses Audacity, it doesn't really matter,
but, you get to ask specific questions, there is the section
where you can say enter a bunch of questions and these are really important to keep the back and forth down, right,
if you want them to use Audacity, make sure you put a question that says "are you familiar with Audacity?"
If you want to know their experience with some particular thing, put it in here, right,
so you'll get a place where they have to basically fill out these questions
and that be really helpful on both ends, so you can quickly look through and go yes, this person has skills, or the background that I need.
OK, so that is the ad. Let me show you some of the applicants. So over here, once you actually accept the job or give the job to one of the applicants,
the rest of the people go into this archive, so I posted a job, you can see a couple of people withdrew their applications,
that doesn't really matter, but look at this, we have 71 applicants, and those are the people I didn't hire, and the two that withdrew
I think they withdrew when they saw that the job was closed. So, we had 73 people, really 74 apply for this job,
that was really surprising to me how many people were willing to come work on this project,
and if you have 74 people apply for a job with lots of background information and whatnot, there is a good chance that that is going to workout well,
and if it didn't workout well, right, suppose I hired this guy and he for some reason didn't workout, didn't do a good job or was slow or whatever,
there is 73 other people I could come and then pick for the next round, so one of my pieces of advice to you is start small,
in little small pieces and that lets you both build trust with each other.