Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Deploying to the cloud
Lecture: Supervisor waitress
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We got our whole application up and running in the last video but the wsgi server was only running when we were logged in
under the deploy a user and running it manually. That's not going to suffice for a regular application,
what we really need is some way to keep our pyramid application up and running in the background, all the time, and have it automatically restart
if for some reason the application shuts down. That's where the tool supervisor comes in;
supervisor is a commonly used tool in Python application deployments to start, stop and restart services that you need to run your application.
We're going to install supervisor, we are going to have it run the p.serve command which is using the waitress whiskey server to run our application,
then when we go back to our application's url everything will be set up nginx will serve as a reverse proxy,
and forward requests on to our Python application our Python application will run its code
supervisor will ensure that the application stays up and running and our application will respond back through nginx server
and we can keep on serving users, let's set up the last few bits of our Ansible playbook now.
We again need to write a couple of new files, one is a yaml file for a supervisor
that will run the wsgi server, and the second is a template for the supervisor configuration we'll start out by writing the yaml file for Ansible.
Open up roles/common/tasks and start one up that is called wsgi.yml. Our first task is to make sure that supervisor is installed via the system package
this should look familiar at this point, we're going to use the apt module search for the package named supervisor, make sure it's installed
and just in case update that system cache and we need to be a Super User to do it. Alright Ansible install supervisor, then what-
well, we need a configuration for supervisor. So we use the template module, and we'll specify a supervisor app jinja template
and it will be put under the supervisor configuration directory on our server. And we'll just give it the name of the app name,
just in case we want to have multiple supervisor configurations out there. Often this will come in if you're running a task queue like celery,
you'll have multiple supervisor configurations for every single process that you want to manage.
So by giving it the app name we should know which application this one is running. We load up our configuration, and then what we want to do
is we actually want to stop the supervisor process, we need to be Super User for this,
and we actually also need to be Super User for the previous command, all these should be run with Super User privileges.
Now there's one quirk that I often run into with supervisor which is that if you just restarted quickly,
it often won't take the configuration files and reload them on Ubuntu, it's a bug that's been out there for a while,
and so the way that I typically get around it is I pause during the restart process, I stop supervisor I pause
and then I restart it, and that gets around the issue. You may be able to find a better way to handle this,
but for now, we want to make sure that we know that this works, when we restart supervisor that our configuration takes effect,
so this will ensure that you won't have any problems with it. There is certainly room to optimize this part of the deployment.
And then finally, we need to restart supervisor and then I also restart nginx when this happens, that way nginx is not caching any of the results
everything is restarted from a clean slate. Next, we need to write our template file for supervisor,
it's under roles/common/templates/supervisor_app.conf.j2 and this is what this supervisor configuration looks like the program will be called app name
or we'll punch in the application name that we've given it which is blue yellow in our case, we'll give it the commands to run
so under our virtual env directory, so we're reusing a lot of these variables that we've already created
we use the pserve command, and we'll give it a production.ini, we need to run this from a specific directory,
and so we can specify the exact directory in which we want to run this command that will give it the sub app directory, but of course,
in your case, if you don't have sub applications folders within folders multiple versions of applications, just give it the app directory.
The user we're running this as is the deploy a user so we're not running it as root, we're running it as our deploy user,
we do want to auto start this application up, we don't want to manually start the application, and we also want to auto restart it
in case supervisor has to restart the application, if the app shuts down we want to restart it,
and we'll redirect any errors to log files, and this should be standard error. We've only reused variables that we already defined,
so we don't need to define any new variables for our deployment. The one last step is just to make sure that this new yaml file
is a part of our playbook, so under rules/common/tasks/main.yml make sure wsgi.yml is in there, save that, let's try to kick it off-
it looks like everything ran without a problem, but the ultimate test is to check our url, see if our application is live
we'll restart- boom, blue yellow rockets, we got our whole application up and running, being served by a waitress on the back end as our wsgi server
and we're in business. So now we have our complete Ansible playbook that also can form the foundation in case you want to change any of these pieces
if you want to swap out the wsgi server, use a different wsgi server add new features and functionality to your application,
if you need to do additional configuration, you can do all that by modifying this Ansible playbook. We can rerun this over and over again,
as our code changes, keep our application updated. And finally have a repeatable automated way to do our deployment.