Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Sending and receiving email
Lecture: Inbound email on your own domain name

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0:02 You are going to want a professional-looking email address for your contact page and for your communications.
0:09 Here on you can contact me, just go to the bottom and click on contact and right here it says all you got to do is
0:17 you can find us on Twitter or send us an email at How do we do that? Well, it used to be you could use things like Google Apps
0:27 and just create a free accounts there and set those up as custom domains and that went away a few years ago.
0:33 So, I could setup my own server but I have already gone through this two times, don't set up your own email server, here is the third time,
0:39 don't set up your own email server, I'll show you a service that is amazing for this kind of stuff.
0:45 OK, so I own the domain and I want to add email to it. There is a great service called Pobox,
0:54 and you can come over to Pobox and you can for 35 dollars a year set up custom email routing, rules, spam filters,
1:05 all sorts of stuff on top of your own custom domains. Now you can also pay a little bit more and set up an inbox there
1:13 and do your email there entirely, but I think Gmail is one of the best
1:17 email systems out there these days and so what I do is I just have all the email,
1:21 with various rules redirecting to a host of Gmail aliases and addresses. So think about that, 35 bucks a year
1:33 and you have high quality, properly implemented, no need to worry about it, you don't need to keep it running inbound email.
1:41 I'll take you on a quick tour of my Pobox. So over here, just to show you the pricing for individuals, come down here,
1:48 you can get the full mail system for 50 bucks, or this is what I have, Pobox Plus,
1:52 all I care about forwarding, forwarding up to five different addresses, use your own domain, and you even get an outbound SMTP server
1:59 so I can send mail through basically outbound email and as a reply somebody writes me a message
2:07 to, I can reply to them and it looks like it's coming from, but they don't really have a server.
2:15 So that's the service I have, I am logged in over here, you can see I can add a variety of addresses so if I want to add address
2:23 maybe I could do something like support@, these are my various domains,
2:29, boom, I hit add and it will tell me which email address do you want to use,
2:35 I could say let's use mikeyckennedy plus talkPythonsupport@gmail, whatever you want, then I can do rules against this, in my Gmail, right.
2:46 I am not going to click this and actually add this but that is how I would do it.
2:50 You can see I've got a bunch of senders, I've got spam filtering turned on, I can blackmail addresses so if some address starts getting spammed a ton
2:59 I can delete that address and tell it to like throw away those emails and so on.
3:05 Basically you just have to set up your mail settings when you add a new domain, so that's easy, they take you through it and so on.
3:13 Over here you can see some stats, I'll just show you some numbers real quick, so apparently this is the email traffic that I had, right,
3:19 this is how many emails I sent or received, so green is delivered, these are held,
3:25 these are spam, I get quite a bit of spam because I publicly list my email address, so obviously it gets spammed like crazy,
3:31 but these guys are pretty good at dropping it and then I forward it to Gmail and they also get rid of the rest of the spam, nothing really bounce,
3:37 maybe one bounce there- no, no bounce, it's all good, and these are the ones I've replied to,
3:43 you can see over here it tells you like those are messages sent to other people through the SMTP server here, right,
3:49 that's me replying to people that sent me messages, over there. Pobox, it's beautiful, you don't have to do anything at all in your server,
3:56 all you have to do is map your domains, MX records, the mail records, to the right settings here that they are going to give you,
4:03 then you set up rules to forward it to where you really care to answer your emails,
4:07 and like in my Gmail, I set up an alias for contact at so I can even send outbound from Gmail as that and I can also automatically reply
4:17 from that address if somebody sends it to me and so on.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon