Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: User accounts and identity
Lecture: Concept: Logged in status
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We could go about using this cookie_auth module throughout the whole application,
but because most of the time we are going to begin working with users, at the level of the controllers or the web action methods,
it makes a lot of sense to me to add a few properties to the base controller
so that throughout our entire application as we add new controllers and everything, we always have access to this logged in user
and we don't even have to think about it. So we can add two properties, in this case, we are going to add one called is_logged,
before we had the logged in id and in this slide I guess I decided you don't really need the id unless you really want to know the user itself,
so here is just a bollean you can test is user logged in, and to compute it it's super easy, we go to our cookie auth,
we say get the user by the auth cookie, and if that returns something, hey they are logged in, if it's None,
which the cookie is not there or it's tampered with or something, then it is None.
So then they are not logged in. So, that's a really easy thing we can test with,
if we want the actual user itself, we can use the property logged_in_user, which will get the user id from the cookie_auth layer,
it will check to see whether or not it's a value, right, if there is nobody there, nobody logged in, no id, then just return no user as well,
but if there is a user id, let's go to the account service, do a SQLAlchemy query to the database and retrieve that account,
Once you have this on the base controller, you have it on all of the views, right, so then in our layout template, we can actually do a tal conditional
to change what shows up in our navigation. So here we did a tal condition "not view.is_logged_in, and a tal conditional "view.is_logged_in.
So, when they are not logged in we see sign in / register, when they are logged in, they see account and log out.