Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Building your email list
Lecture: Creating your mailchimp account

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0:03 So, let's create a MailChimp account, here we are, notice we have free pricing, and let's just check out pricing real quick.
0:10 We come down here, you either be a little lamb, a bit of a stallion or a pro marketer.
0:15 Let's see, what do we get for this free version, so forever free, we can come down here and it says you can have up to 2 thousand subscribers.
0:24 Now, 2 thousand subscribers is actually a significant number, and you can send up to six emails per month to your entire list, right,
0:34 so if you have 2 thousand subscribers, you can send 6 emails to 2 thousand people per month,
0:40 and then, the price goes up after that, it gets a little bit expensive, like quite quickly for example, so you'll see it says starting at
0:50 but you can go tot his growing business section that says, well, it's free up to here, what if you have 3 thousand, it's 50 bucks.
0:58 What if you have 5 thousand, 5001, you see it's 55, what if you have 10 thousand, 80 bucks a month. So these numbers actually go up quite quickly
1:10 but I can tell you if you have 10 thousand qualified leads for your business, this should be a small percentage of your monthly revenue,
1:17 OK, so this is actually 80 dollars well spent. The prices on the other platforms that I showed you are similar,
1:27 OK, so let's go create an account here, so this is going to be... alright, my account is ready to create, let's get rolling.
1:37 Alright, confirming my email, check for humanity, let's see, all the squares are street signs, that looks solid to me.
1:47 Hey, I'm not a robot, good to know, thank you MailChimp. Alright, after going through a bunch of steps, verifying my email,
1:59 filling out my address, we now have an account, yeey, it's basically empty but whatever, so down here as we have our list,
2:08 you'll see your sort of list growth reports and whatnot going here, we can import existing subscribers like if we have a database
2:15 full of usernames and emails, things like that, but we're just going to create a list. The list is going to be blue_yellow_band.
2:27 The default "from" email address will be... let's just put
2:33 default from name will be "Michael at Talk Python" in a slightly different way,
2:40 "You registered to get notified of events and albums at Blue / Yellow rockets."
2:53 OK, and we have to have our addresses as this part of the CAN-SPAM story we can get notified of these various things but we're not going to do this,
3:03 by the way that's not my real address. OK, so now we have no subscribers, but more importantly we have a list.
3:09 So now that we have our list crated, we're going to need two things in order to integrate it with our website,
3:15 we're going to need a list id and we're going to need our secret API key. So let's go get our list id first.
3:26 So down here at the bottom, onto the details for our list we can take this and we can use this in our website, so this is our list id,
3:33 we're also going to need the public API key so I am going to go to my account, and then extras, API keys
3:39 and I am going to come down here and I am going to create an API key, now I am not going to show you guys this,
3:47 because I don't want you messing with my account and send an email on my behalf
3:50 but I am going to create an API key and I am going to copy that over to the web app, So you can see I've created a new API key and it is ready to use,
4:01 so we've set up a MailChimp account, we've created a list, we've added an API key to our account,
4:07 we're ready to now integrate this into our web application.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon