Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Accessing databases from Python: SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture: Demo: Reading data
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OK so how do we use this? Well, there is a couple of things we need to do. One, our database is empty, so we are going to need
to insert some data, that's interesting. Two, we are going to need to query the data
and I think it will be more fun and have a little more dramatic effect if we write up the code to query the data, we'll see there is nothing there
and then when we actually insert it it will immediately appear. So let's go back to our albums controller here
and have a quick look. Remember, we wrote this method here long ago, I am sure it feels like a long time ago and we have this AlbumService,
and this is a design pattern I love to use for these ORMs. The ORM deals with mapping, classes directly to and from the database
but there is oftentimes more application-scale sort of things are happening, well, I want to join with this or any time I query one of those,
I want to make sure I also update over here... those types of things. So I am very keen to have these service things, right,
so services, these are the applications view of accessing the data, you don't work directly in the ORM, you can if you want
but we are going to go over here and work like this, we have a function called get_albums,
so you can see this is the old_get_albums, remember we had this fake data, we are going to have a new one here.
So what we are going to do is we are going to go and do a query so let's say like this, we are going to need to get a hold of one of these sessions,
and again, this is going to be DbSessionFactory and we are going to need to import that and I don't really like this "Factory.factory",
let's give this a function over here, so we come down here def, make this a static method as well,
and we'll call this create_session, something like this. and we'll just return like so, OK? So instead of doing this,
we can do something a little more obvious like create_session
and then our goals are going to be to get the data from the database, so how do we do this?
What we are going to do is we are going to be able to create queries from these sessions, so we are going to say session.query
and we give it the type that we want to work with, in this case we want to query an album, and of course,
we are going to need to import this, maybe we want to do some kind of filtering,
like let's see, I changed the album just a little bit here to have an is_published. And this will let us do some kind of interesting queries
if we don't have too much data, so we come over here and we'll do a query and we'll say something to the effect of filter(Album).
Wow, this is what's cool about ORM, is you get to express the queries, this is kind of the "where" clause if you will,
in terms of the classes, so I can say is_published, leave it alone like that or == True, however you want.
A lot of times these get kind of complicated, you might want to do them on multiple lines, so we are going to say order_by,
maybe we want to order by Album.year, where is year? There is year, so we want to order by Album.year
and maybe we want to actually show the newest ones first, let's be a little consistent there,
notice how PyCharm puts little line continuation for us, thank you. So this is pretty straightforward, order_by,
but what do I do if I want to order by descending, I can tell you already, there is not a order by DESC, OK?
This is the only order_by function we have. so it's not entirely obvious but we can come over here and on these we have like descending, ascending,
"like" for substring matches, there is all sorts of interesting functions on these columns that you can do filtering or ordering by.
OK, so this is going to give us basically a result, a set of results here, or leave it like that.
Now, we can go over here and we can say things like .all and that will snapshot into a list but if we don't do that here
we just have an iterable, that's still running across the database, we haven't actually returned anything yet.
So, we are going to need to somehow do that. So let's go ahead and do that, if our goal really is just to return a list,
we don't want to return this "results", which still kind of partially tied to the database,
we'd like to snapshot that like this, come over here say .all and then return albums. OK, so that means outside of this function
there is going to be no more data access, it's not like a dangling open session sort of issue going on,
OK, so this should run and it should give us back nothing, because there is no data in our database,
but let's do one thing, so we can actually see what is happening. Remember our engine, it has an echo, not there, our engine,
our engine has an echo, and we can say echo=True and this will turn on all the debug output, when I run it, you should see a bunch of stuff.
Hopefully, I haven't messed anything up, we are about to find out. So notice all this output, that's not an error,
that's SQLAlchemy looking at the tables, trying to understand. Tell me about the album, tell me about the track, OK?
That's from echo=True. Now we go over here, this is all well and good but if I hit this album's button,
or navigation item here, we are going to go run that query and let's see what happened. So check this out, BEGIN implicit transaction, SELECT,
just refer to this as star, right this is all the columns... I come down here, FROM album, WHERE album is_published, ORDER BY "Album".year DESC.
How cool is that? Let's go back and look at what we wrote. session.query(album).filter(Album.is_published),
order_by(Album.year.desc()), right, there is album year descending and then we snapshot that into a list.
Right, so we came back, we passed that off to our view, our view said let's loop over it, oh, there is actually nothing here.