Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Accessing databases from Python: SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture: Demo: Creating the Unit of Work
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Now that we have our schema created, let's actually query some data. Now, in order to either insert, update, delete, or query data, we're going to
need to talk about this DbSessionFactory and the unit of work pattern. The way SQLAlchemy works, we've already said, is
to use the unit of work design pattern and what that means is you begin a unit of work, you make a bunch of
changes, inserts, updates and deletes and then when you are finally done you can either abandon the unit of work or you can commit it.
The final step here is to actually create the thing that manages this unit of work for us.
OK, so if we look up here, we are going to need to import sqlalchemy.orm and down here we're going to create, I am going to say
sqlalchmey.orm.sessionmaker, kind of like declarative base. This factory method here is going to create this thing that will itself be
a callable function that can make these unit of works. So we are going to need to store it somewhere, I'll call it a session_factory
and so we are just going to do store it here, we'll say DbSessionFactory.session_factory the name maybe gives away, let's just call it factory, right,
because there is too many sessions in here. And let's go ahead and set that to be None initially,
and then we'll do a test, remember, I said we want one and only one engine so we are going to bind the engine here,
so this tells the factory basically how to tie itself back to the database and the base classes and all these things.
And again, we don't want to actually run this method over and over, we run it two times, we get two engines, that would be bad,
so let's do a little test here, so we'll say if this is already created, we're just going to return, there is nothing to do, OK? And in this sense,
we're only going to be able to ever create one of these engines per connection,
in this case we're just doing one, so here we go, this is going to be great. Now we're ready to basically call this like this, so we want a session,
we'll not do this here really but this is what we're going to do.