Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Web design: CSS Frontend frameworks and Bootstrap
Lecture: Introduction to Bootstrap Themes

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0:02 So you now know about Bootstrap. But there is one last step to go from bad to decent to amazing.
0:11 So far we've gone from bad to decent, using the basics of Bootstrap. So here let's call this bad one number one.
0:19 Number two, this is our basic page with Bootstrap, we could now improve this of course, with our dialogues and out buttons and things like that,
0:27 but still, this design is not going to win too many users. We need to really let our page shine. So what we are going to do to make that happen is
0:37 we are going to take our knowledge of Bootstrap, our knowledge of HTML and put it together with themes. So, we could start with this thing on the left
0:45 with basic CSS in Bootstrap we get to middle, and then with the Bootstrap theme, we get something super compelling
0:52 and modern looking here on the right. One of the wonderful things about themes and Bootstrap themes in particular is
0:59 there are many to choose from, so you'll see you get a lot of choice on how your page looks
1:04 then you can mix in a few images you get from a graphic artist or from some sort of stock photography,
1:09 put your own copy in there and you are ready to roll.

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