Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Web design foundations
Lecture: CSS What's Not Covered

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0:02 Let's wrap up this section by saying what we haven't covered and what we might still be covering in the future.
0:09 I tried to give you the essence of web design and the essence of CSS, and style sheets and tweaking the HTML and those kinds of things.
0:16 But there is plenty of stuff we haven't covered and I'll let you know why. So, things the that stand out in my mind
0:22 the highest, most important one, probably still remaining is this concept, first of all the front-end frameworks like Bootstrap UI kit and so on.
0:29 And within them are things like grid layout. So more than just displaying inline-block or "float: right",
0:35 you can do a ton of layout and design with the CSS grid definitions that come not as part of CSS but as part of these frameworks,
0:44 so we are going to cover that later, when we get to the front-end frameworks. Typography and fonts, there is a lot to getting the right fonts
0:52 that look good on all the screens, that look really readable I talked a little bit about line height, there is also letter spacing
0:58 and variety of other things that play into this. So, when we get to the front-end frameworks, we'll see
1:03 that they have a really good defaults for this kind of stuff, and we'll talk a little more about this when we get there.
1:10 Tables, designing tables, laying out tables, we haven't talked about that again, things like Bootstrap have a lot to say about this,
1:16 maybe we'll get to it but certainly the frameworks have a lot built in. We haven't discussed that at all.
1:22 Themes are really important, there are places you can go and grab something that is really close to what you would like to build
1:30 drop it into your Pyramid or any website really, and make a few tweaks and then you have that as a starting point.
1:36 Remember, I said we are not starting like it's 1996, now we have these front-end frameworks, we have these themes
1:42 so you start from a good place, and then you make it yours rather than starting from basically upload zero.
1:48 Now, all those things that I mentioned so far, we are absolutely going to cover later in the web design part too,
1:54 LESS and SASS, these are things that we are not going to cover but it's worth pointing out
1:59 CSS is great, but for large sites it can become pretty unwieldy, I worked on some sites where we had ten thousand lines of CSS
2:07 I mean it was a ridiculous amount of CSS, and when you get to that scale, you want to do things that are sort of problematic,
2:14 like you would like to say here is the color we are using for these types of use cases in this site,
2:20 and here is where I define it and it just applies everywhere. Kind of like a global variable or some sort of global value
2:26 that is brought into the other areas. You'd like to be able to partition your files into mini small files,
2:32 but then compile them back into one really easily for performance, say when you go to production. LESS and SASS have these features and more,
2:41 so it's high level programming language for CSS that then you transpile or compile down to actual CSS. If you go look at the Bootstrap source code,
2:52 it's built this way and you'll see it in a lot of places. It's worth checking out but it's just, this is not a design class
2:58 I am just trying to get you guys going, so something you might want to look into as you get farther down the road,
3:03 but we are not going to talk about in this class. All right, with that, I think you are ready to go do some basic web design,
3:09 we are going to move on to more advanced web development topics, later in the class we'll come back to this front-end frameworks,
3:16 but I hope you feel much more comfortable and capable around web design than you did an hour ago when you started this chapter.

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