Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Web design foundations
Lecture: Cache busting: The demo
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Let's jump over here to PyCharm and have a look at the web application that we are going to be using to explore web design.
So, I decided to take just a basic empty shell from the Pyramid starter project, which does include Bootstrap but really basically nothing else,
and strip it down to just its essence. So, I wanted to keep the content and styles in play at the very minimum
so let me go and run this, and show you what we got. So over here we've got our design foundations demo app
and you can see we have a thing for style sheets and caching, CSS selectors, we look at box model layout and floating items.
So the part we are focused on right now is this cache busting and stale caches,
so check this out, if I click here you can this is just going to refresh this page,
it's as if I came back to it, same thing is if I go up here and hit enter, it's just going to reload this page,
so let's go make a very trivial change to the style sheets affecting this app.
First of all, notice we've created a style sheet static/css/site.css in our static folder,
remember we have Bootstrap and some other things installed in Bower, so I replicated that in our little demo app
and I made the CSS folder and image and a js folder. So over here, I've made a variety of CSS for the various demos
that we are going to work with, theme and site are used across everything and then these are specialized little changes that we are adding on.
We'll get to those later, but for now, notice we are including site.css in the index page, and over here we've got some colors.
Now, let's change a color, see it's black on white, what if we want to change the color? Now this is pretty cool, check this out in PyCharm,
notice there is a black thing on the left and if I hit Alt+Enter it will say: "Hey, you can change the color, what do you want the color to be?
Pick something that you've recently worked with, or whatever." Right, so this lets you go and say you know what,
I kind of like this green, maybe we'll use this green here. And of course, green is not going to be lovely, what are we trying to set?
We are trying to set the color, so let's set the color to like a cyan, not quite cyan but close enough.
And then let's come over here and set the color instead of this being white
let's set it to something black, like right around there, that's good enough black. Choose.
OK, I am going to save, Command+S, you can see the little presenter tip, saved every file, now if I come back over here, and I am like: "All right,
I just changed, let's move this aside, I just changed the color from black to cyan and I changed the background from white to basically black."
And you would think if I come over here and I visit this page, that I would see a black background with cyan text, but wait.
What? What is this? Like it's white and if I click around, it's white, if I click around, I click on here, I navigate over this page,
oh, now on this page - look! It finally changed, but now it's gone again, if I do a force refresh then look, cyan-color text, well,
cyan-ish-color text and a black background. Finally that change took hold.
This doesn't happen very often in development, if you set things up correctly.
But, in production, this happens all the time, you actually want this to happen,
you want the browsers not to download the CSS and the images and everything,
except for one time ever, like that would be ideal if it never ever downloaded it again,
because that means when people visit your site or more importantly when they got to like the second page, it's instantly got all the images,
all the CSS, all the JavaScript, and it doesn't ever go back to your site to pull that in. So we want to aggressively cache things
but you can see there are these problems it introduces, now, I said you don't run into that problem as much, when you are running in development,
so if I go over here, you see it's still white but if I force refresh it, it goes,
sorry it was still black, but is I force refresh it, it goes to white. Now notice, over here that I am running the production version,
let me check out the run configurations I've made, one of them is running production.ini and the other one is running development.ini,
so normally, you are going to be running development and when you do that locally, you are going to most of the time not run into this caching problem,
you are still going to run into it and like I said, it's worse around JavaScript but it's not as bad.
But in production, it's going to be a problem for your users, and so we might as well solve it now at the beginning,
and we won't run into it ever in development and our users won't either.