Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Digging Further into Git
Lecture: Collaboration on GitHub

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0:00 At this point you've got all the basic commands to work properly with git,
0:04 we've used the git remote and git push commands to push our code up to GitHub, and now it's time to switch back over to GitHub,
0:11 take a look at the web user interface, and start figuring out how we can collaborate with other people on our projects.
0:16 Now even if you only plan to work on your project yourself, there still might come a point where you want to add somebody
0:22 to your repositories they can do a code review for you, or you could have someone helping out with the documentation or the testing.
0:27 You can also set up a GitHub repository for your business if people want to file issues, you could use GitHub as a way to track those issues.
0:36 So whether you're working solo or with other people, GitHub can be really useful. Log into GitHub and it will show your newsfeed,
0:42 you have all the activity for the people you follow. Click on your profile and then go to the repository
0:47 where you have the Python for entrepreneurs course demos, and I am going to use the full stack Python repo for this example,
0:54 the first thing that we're going to do is take a look at the issues, when you click on your repository, you'll see your code, issues, pull requests
1:02 and a bunch of other bits up on the top menu. Click on issues and this will bring up the issues menu,
1:06 now if you have an open project for your business, anyone can file issues against it. So that is one where you may want to handle
1:13 if there are any issues with your service, you can say "file an issue request on GitHub", or maybe a separate repository that you've created
1:19 where you can respond to those tickets, creating issues is easy, just click the "New issue" button, and then you can create a title
1:26 and write your comment with a more detailed description of what the issue is. And then you can save it and if you create a contributing file,
1:33 in the base of you repository, so we can see text, this will give information about how people should file their issues
1:44 against this repository, so creating issues is that easy, just create the new issue,
1:48 and you can tell other people create a new issue on GitHub in open repository. However, if you are running your business off of a private repository,
1:56 you've upgraded your GitHub account, created a private repository, no one will be able to see your repository
2:01 and they won't be able to file any issues against it, if you're working with other people on your team, or you've hired some contractors
2:07 and you want them to be able to handle issues, you need to add a collaborator.
2:11 The way to add a collaborator is to go up into settings on your specific repository
2:15 and click the collaborators menu item, you will see a text box here, and you can add either a GitHub username or an email address
2:22 and we'll send them a notification they've been added as a collaborator and they can either accept or reject that.
2:28 I am going to show an example right now, I'll add Michael to this repository,
2:30 he is not currently a collaborator, there is no collaborators on this project,
2:33 as we can see here. I'll click "Add collaborator", and now he is going to get an invite
2:37 to become a collaborator on this project, once he has accepted that, he has full access to the project, he can handle issues, modify any of the code,
2:46 so you don't want to just add anybody as a collaborator, only add the folks that you trust and then any general issues
2:51 that you want to track, you can have an open repository where people can file those issues, you don't have to add them as collaborators.
2:58 So that is all you need to do, in order to add issues,
4:00 and handle invites for collaborators on your project and you can add as many collaborators as you want.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon