Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Source Control and Git
Lecture: Creating git repositories

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0:01 GitHub makes it really easy to create a Git repositories through their user interface and that's what we'll take a look at in this video.
0:09 Log into your GitHub account, and bring up your profile page, we're going to click the plus icon up at the top and say "new repository",
0:16 give your repository a name for the project that you're working on, you can just call it "myproject" for now.
0:21 So give it the name that you want for yours. Give it an optional description. "This is the code for my project."
0:29 and then here is a really important part, you can make this repository either public or private,
0:34 one thing to note is that if you don't have an upgraded account for $7 a month, you won't be able to create private repositories,
0:40 so if I click on this right now, it will ask me to upgrade my account. For this video we'll just create a public repository
0:47 that will serve as an example for what we're creating, there is a few other options down here, one is: "Do you want to initialize this repository
0:55 with the readme file?". This readme file is a description of what the project is
1:00 some installation instructions, really whatever you want to put in there that you think is going to be useful to the reader.
1:05 And that reader might be you, say six months or a year down the road if you start working on the project and set it aside,
1:11 every project should have a readme with some explicit instructions for how to set it up and what the project's purpose is.
1:17 We'll click "initialize this repository with the readme", and then there is two other parts here you can add .gitignore file
1:23 and this is going to specify the Git "hey, these are a bunch of files that I don't want added to version controlling, don't track these files."
1:30 And these are set up for specific programming languages, in this case we'll choose Python and we can add a license,
1:36 licenses are typically used for open source projects, and I use the MIT license, if you're just building your business,
1:42 then chances are you won't have to worry about a license, it's really for open source projects so that people understand
1:48 what the explicit responsibilities are when using the code that comes in that repository.
1:52 Once we've got all this set up, we can click "Create repository", awesome. Now, we've got the files that we've specified, yes we wanted the gitignore,
2:01 we have a license, which is the MIT and we have a readme file, which specifies that this is my project
2:12 and just the description, and then we can work on these files. The next step would be to clone or download this project,
2:18 so we could just go over here and say "download a zip file" and this will contain all of the files that are in this repository,
2:24 that can be really useful, but what we really want to do is work on this project and that's where we are going to need to clone this repository.
2:30 This is the URL that we can use to clone the repository which will give us all the files and the version history
2:35 for that Git repository locally on our system.

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