Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Build web apps with Pyramid: Part 1
Lecture: Concept: Bower

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0:01 Let's review using Bower for installing and managing packages in our web application.
0:06 It starts by installing Bower, so notice here we have "npm install bower --upgrade", make sure you do that in your home directory or add a "-g"
0:15 to make sure it installs globally, not just for this project. Than you could ask "hey, what version of Bower do I have? I have 1.7.9, great".
0:21 Now you could start using Bower to install your dependencies so we have "bower install bootstrap-css"
0:27 and that will give us just the distribution version of Bootstrap, we can also then install a few other dependencies here we are installing jquery-dist,
0:36 which gives us just the distributed version, not the building blocks for jQuery and we also installed Angular.js, because in our theoretical app
0:44 we want to use those three things together. Once we've done this, we now have a bower_components folder,
0:49 notice that it's in the static folder of our web app, and that we are going to put the Bower components in there,
0:55 we have our three folders that were installed and managed by Bower, it has the bower.json file, so it can keep track of versions and whatnot,
1:02 as well as the various things we need, so css, fonts and js from our Bootstrap distribution. Then we can ask Bower what packages are we using,
1:11 and notice here there is an actual upgrade for Angular.js so when we say "bower list", it's kind of like a check for updates
1:18 as well as listing the dependencies. Here it doesn't show any linked dependencies between these, if there are dependencies, like for example Bootstrap,
1:26 the main distribution is marked to depend upon jQuery so those two would be linked in this graph here.

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