Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Build web apps with Pyramid: Part 1
Lecture: Project Structure
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In order to get started and be effective with Pyramid, it's important to understand the project layout.
And what files are created and where new ones should be put or where you go and find existing ones for things you want to change.
Let's take a quick survey what comes out of the starter project scaffold. Now, as we build up a real professional application,
this structure will get much richer and we'll add on many more concepts and conventions of our own, but they will be framed around this basic skeleton.
So let's start at the top. At the top we see the "static" folder, and here we have CSS, JavaScript, images,
basically these are the static files that are just served up directly as files, they are not processed as some kind of action request
that our Python code is going to handle, we just say here is an image, here is a CSS file and so on.
There is a special rule for caching inside this folder I believe the default is one hour but of course you probably want to make that higher
and do some cache busting techniques. Then we have our templates, or what I am going to call views,
there might be a little confusion on the nomenclature here and the nomenclature that Pyramid uses is somewhat unique to it,
Pyramid is a MVC, a model view controller-based framework, like Ruby on Rails, like ASP.NET MVC, like many of these.
So when I speak of the project items, I am going to use the more general MVC terms but as much as I need to corelate that with the Pyramid words
or folder names or things like that, I'll try to line this up for you. So we have the templates folder,
and this is where the dynamic HTML pages that are rendered by Pyramid itself go, so for example if I wanted to make a request, go to a database,
pull back ten items, let's say we are doing a book store, get ten books back, pass that book data off to this template,
this template will generate the HTML page that has like basically ten rows of whatever, we do to put a book if it's a listing or whatever.
So these "pt" files, these are chameleon templates and they are in there, in the large MVC world these are called "views", the __init__ file
this is like your application startup code, there is several methods in here that run right as your app starts up,
you register the template folder, you register the static folder, you talk about the views and various other setup.
If you do logging or other configuration, it all happens here, so think of this as your main entry point to your web application.
Then we have unit tests, your web app scaffold comes with a set of unit tests the very basic but they show you how to write tests,
so you'll know how to test your own code going forward, they serve very good as starter template ideas
but they don't really test anything important in the basic code of course.
Finally, we have things called views, in the MVC world these are controllers, these are the methods that run
when a request and HTTP request comes into our web app, you'll find one of the methods in this "views" file
for now, we are going to expand greatly on this later, but for the starter project there is some functions in here,
and we map URLs to the various functions and then those run, they select a template out of the template folder and pass some data,
boom, we have a magic dynamic data driven web app. You also see this .egg-info folder and a bunch of stuff under there,
basically you can ignore this, this is the output from when you called " develop", this is the files that put in place here,
instead of registering and copying this over to some side package, so you need this for your app to run,
but you can generally and should generally just ignore it. You'll also see your project settings and configurations
we have the development.ini, which configures how our app runs locally and then production.ini for when we push to production.