Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Build web apps with Pyramid: Part 1
Lecture: Template variations / inconsistencies

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0:00 Now, before we close out this section, I want to talk really quickly about a slight variation that has happened in the template over time.
0:09 If you look at the github repository, you can see over here this is the blue yellow app that we have created
0:15 and we've got our temples folder, and it has a my template, this was created by the scaffolding, the starter scaffolding.
0:22 And we used it throughout the whole rest of the class and so I'm not changing this, even though it actually turns out to be
0:28 not exactly what you're going to get when you say run cookiecutter with your template, because there's just so much material that builds on it,
0:34 it wouldn't make sense to try to redo it because the changes are super small, but I do want to address them, just so you understand what's going on.
0:41 So over here, we're going to have just by default a single file which makes it really hard to reuse the design and flow and so on,
0:49 and we actually get to a section where I show you one way how to do that and it works totally fine, so we're going to sort of add later
0:55 the feature that the template comes with these days, but just to show you, if we look over the one we just created
1:01 in the previous set of videos, there's a layout and my template so the layout is like an outer shell that could be reused
1:08 across different pages that you want to add and the my template here is, what's unique about that particular page the content of that page.
1:19 In the previous versions it was all squished together, here they broke it into two pieces, if you create one and start from here
1:27 just keep going with the way they have it, this is actually a little bit nicer than the way it used to work;
1:31 feel free to keep this flow and go with this layout in this my template thing here
1:36 when we get to the layout section, the global sort of shared master view layout
1:41 just realize that there'll be a slight variation here versus yours, okay, and this one, if you start from the github repository code
1:50 instead of creating our own project, you will be able to follow along exactly. Whichever you prefer is totally fine,
1:57 I just want to point out that the newest version of the template generates a slightly different HTML templates than the previous scaffolding did,
2:05 so it will be a slight variation, but I don't think it's going to make any difference to you, now that you know about the difference.

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