Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Meet your instructors

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0:01 It's time to meet your instructors. This course is co-written and co-recorded by Michael Kennedy, that's me, from Talk Python
0:09 and Matthew Makai, from Full Stack Python. We'll each be presenting various sections of this course, and looking inside our individual businesses,
0:16 and that's why we wanted to take this moment, show you our picture, let you get used to our voice so you'll know who's presenting when.
0:22 Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm Michael, hey nice to meet you, I'm really excited that you are taking my class.
0:29 I created Talk Python To Me, the number one Python podcast which, within almost year and a half has had over 2 million downloads.
0:38 That, in and of itself is a really interesting business story to cover and a large portion of my income
0:44 actually comes from running the podcast day to day. When it makes sense, we'll look inside the software or the techniques
0:50 I've used to start that podcast and make it successful. Of course, you are taking this course through Talk Python Training,
0:57 and I started that as well and in the opening section I gave you a bit of an introduction there,
1:01 but this part of my company was created in just a couple of weeks, and then the first course was created about a month after that,
1:07 and many of the ideas and techniques in this part of my company the e-commerce, the mailing list, those sorts of things
1:14 are definitely going to be covered in depth and you'll be looking inside of that software, seeing the source code I wrote to run my actual business,
1:20 not just a bunch of demoware. Welcome to the course, I'm super excited to be sharing with you, it's a course I wanted to create for a long time,
1:27 and I am honored to be creating with Matt Makai, from Full Stack Python. Thanks Michael.
1:33 Hey folks, my name is Matt Makai, and I am the creator of Full Stack Python. And I am also a developer evangelist with Twilio.
1:38 I started Full Stack Python back in 2012, because I had a bunch of junior developers on my team
1:43 and I wanted to explain to them how to build and deploy web applications. It just expanded out from there.
1:48 In 2014, I joined Twilio as a developer evangelist. I started out in Washington DC and now I am out here in San Francisco in the Bay area.
1:56 Twilio makes it easy for developers to add communications, such as phone calling, messaging and video, into their web and mobile applications.
2:04 The best part about this job is I get to help developers build and deploy their applications,
2:09 just as I am going to explain some of the technical concepts throughout this course that will help you build and deploy your own business.

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