Python for Decision Makers and Business Leaders Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: The incredible growth of Python

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0:00 If you care about Python it's hard not to love this picture, this graph. Here we have 10 years of interest in various technologies on Stack Overflow
0:10 and Python has one by one, 2016, '17, '18 and '19 surpassed all of the top languages and is now, by far, the most popular programing language
0:21 according to Stack Overflow. And not only is it more popular it's not, like, flattening off, like Java did
0:28 or even turning down like many of these languages. No, it's still going up just as strong. It'll be interesting to see where this goes in the future
0:35 but it is not a bad sign for connecting in Python. Do you want to bet the future of your company's technology or your career on one of these graphs?
0:44 Would you rather be on a strongly rising curve or on a sinking, falling curve? Well, I'll let you make that decision.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon