Python for Decision Makers and Business Leaders Transcripts
Chapter: Hiring and jobs in the Python space
Lecture: Python jobs according to Indeed

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0:00 The first data source I want to refer to is So, it's a pretty big job site. You can see the bottom is
0:09 where I got this data from. So, you just go over here and you can type in Python jobs or .NET jobs or Java or so on
0:16 and they give you a bunch of things. Actually they give you a list of all the jobs but in the sidebar they show you things
0:21 like the salary estimate for each of those jobs the number of full time jobs and contract jobs, and so on. So let's look at Python first.
0:29 There are 70,164 full time jobs and 2,000 contract jobs. Those are probably the only two that really matter to us
0:37 but maybe full time is the most important metric. So, Let's just focus on full time. We have full time. You can see the salaries are
0:44 pretty high for Python developers. They're a little higher for data scientists than they are straight up developers for whatever reason
0:51 probably some supply and demand thing going on there but the salaries are not low for Python developers. But there are many, many job openings.
0:59 Now that doesn't tell you how many candidates are swarming around in the world, but that can tell you if there's that many job openings
1:07 it's likely there's a ton of Python developers. Compare that against, say, .NET which has 54,000 full time developers
1:13 but they generally get paid less as you can see. Or Java developers, there's more Java than there is .NET but still less than Python at 66,000
1:23 and their salaries again I'd say pretty comparable to Python, yeah, just eyeballing those yeah, pretty comparable. We have C++ developers.
1:32 There's fewer of those than any of the others but it's still a pretty respectable number at 39,000 full time jobs, and the salary I don't think
1:40 that's quite as high but I'd probably have to graph it to be sure. Anyway this is the main things we talked about
1:46 we're not talking about MATLAB developers 'cause I don't really think there are MATLAB developers.
1:51 Most of the time there's like scientists who know MATLAB. Anyway so I didn't put that up there. This is pretty good comparison
1:57 and I would say Python kind of stands out. It's got more full time jobs and the salaries are definitely near the upper end.
2:04 If you're hiring people maybe that's not a positive but I think you're also going to get some of the best developers, right.
2:09 If it was like 35,000 say with .NET you might not get top of the line grade A developers that really know
2:15 what they're doing if you're paying those rates. I do want to add one more thing to the mix though there. Let's pick a new language
2:21 that has some momentum behind it, Rust. Rust is a new language from Mozilla the people that make Firefox, and it's much, much newer.
2:30 Just how does like a new language like Rust compare to these others that have been around for a long time? Well, if you look, there's only 1,400 jobs
2:38 and the salary distribution actually it's really low, right. There's the 25,000, 35, 45,000, right. Python starts at 80.
2:47 Java starts at 85,000. C++ starts at 80. Now there's a few that are up in the high end but still, it's different. But the most important take away is
2:57 there are like 50 times more Python developer jobs let's put that as a stand in for developers than there are Rust developers.
3:04 So if you're trying to decide between one of these brand new shiny languages and say Python
3:10 or maybe even Java right, you're going to have an easier time finding somebody to work on that. Finally this is just a big grid screen full of numbers.
3:18 Let's look at it graphically. All the graphs you're going to see are sorted alphabetically so .NET is first here. You can see where it is.
3:26 Then we have C++. We have Java. We have Python, out on top but not that far behind Java and then notice I told you Rust is way, way down there.
3:34 Yes, Rust is way down at the bottom.

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