Python for Decision Makers and Business Leaders Transcripts
Chapter: Data science in Python
Lecture: Python and data science

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0:00 You should be aware by now that Python and data science go together so well and it's one of the fastest growing parts of Python.
0:10 In fact, in that survey I showed you in the web development side the Python software Foundation survey along with JetBrains
0:16 they also ask, Are you a web developer a data scientist, or other? Web developer and data scientist, those were about equal
0:24 so this is a huge part of Python and I think this is one of the areas as I mentioned in the full spectrum section that is really unique for Python.
0:33 People can come from other disciplines from say science, or engineering, or economics and they can come into Python and they can do this type of work
0:42 that we're about to talk about because Python is so easy to get started. But they can do real honest to goodness work that has incredible implications
0:51 as far out to the boundaries of science as you want to think. How far out? Well, what if we're using telescopes? Yes, astronomers all over the world
1:00 use Python to study all sorts of things. To study stars, to look for exoplanets there's a whole bunch of libraries.
1:09 One of them, the most popular one, is called Astropy. So this is a whole project for just doing astronomy with Python.
1:16 What was the biggest discovery in astronomy recently? Well, as a non-astronomer, just looking in from the outside it was probably the fact
1:24 that the very first picture of a black hole was taken. This is not as easy as it sounds. This doesn't just mean better cameras that can focus more.
1:35 There's all sorts of reasons that it's very hard to actually get a clear, true picture of what a black hole looks like.
1:41 So the people worked on this project they actually used machine learning to try to figure out what the real image looked like
1:49 and tried to piece it back together from a bunch of parts with many interpretations but they taught the machine learning model
1:54 what the most likely outcome was, and they recreated it. They use a whole host of libraries that are from the data science side of Python
2:03 NumPy, SciPy, pandas, Jupyter, Matplotlib and Astropy, of course. This is just one discipline, and one huge discovery.
2:13 It would not surprise me if a Nobel Prize came out of this work done with Python. But speaking of Nobel Prizes people did win the Nobel Prize
2:22 for finding the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. Yeah, Python was also involved in that as well.
2:28 Data science and Python, they go really well together and it's partly because of this full spectrum language.
2:33 It's so easy to come in as a non-developer pick up the little bits you need and just keep going, and going, and going until you've all of a sudden
2:40 used machine learning and artificial intelligence to recreate the picture of a black hole. Wow.

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