Python for Absolute Beginners Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Jupyter as your editor for this course
Lecture: Setting up jupyter lab as your editor

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0:00 Let's talk real quickly about installing Jupyter Notebooks. If you install Jupyter Notebooks you're going to have to have Python already
0:07 Python 3, already set up and installed. And then, you're going to run this command in either the command prompt or in the terminal. You're going to run
0:16 pip3 install --user --upgrade jupyterlab. On Windows, you might have to emit the 3 depending on how you've installed it. But I think pip3 will work
0:25 on both operating systems in the latest version. So this is going to download Jupyter Lab and all of its dependencies.
0:32 This, we talk more about pip later in the course but if you want to set this up this is how you do it.
0:37 So you got to run this command, we'll expand on it later. Once you've done that you should be able to launch Jupyter Lab and the way you do that
0:44 is you type jupyter lab like so. And here you can see what it's going to do is it's going to start up a little web server
0:51 and it's going to go to this url says down here access your notebook open this in the browser. But what's actually going to happen
0:56 is it's going to pop open automatically like this. So you won't even typically have to at least the first time, launch it.
1:03 It'll automatically launch itself. So here you'll be logged in. And to get started, you just click on a new notebook. Make sure you click on Python 3.
1:10 And also when you type this command about jupyter lab do that in the folder that you would like to see on the left here. The working directory.
1:18 'Cause when you say new Jupyter Notebook it's going to create it in whatever folder Jupyter Lab was started from. Okay.
1:24 Once you do this, you'll have Jupyter Lab up and running. There's a file menu, or a menu at the top that shows you how to do the things
1:30 and learn the hotkeys and get going. Again, if you can use PyCharm Community do that because it'll be a good match.
1:35 But if you want to get some exposure with Jupyter and Jupyter Lab, that's good especially if you're in the data science side of things.
1:41 So you can use this some of the time as well.

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