Python for Absolute Beginners Transcripts
Chapter: Appendix: Jupyter as your editor for this course
Lecture: What are Jupyter notebooks

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0:00 In this brief appendix I want to show you how you can set up Jupyter as your editor for this course. Well, first of all, what is Jupyter?
0:08 Jupyter, and Jupyter Notebooks, are these live half-descriptive in presentation and half-coding interactive webpages
0:16 I guess, for the lack of a better word. Here's an example where someone's exploring the algorithms, or the Lorenz differential equations.
0:24 See, they're writing a little bit of description and then they're loading up some Python and they have some more description
0:30 then they're running some Python. And you get a picture, and so on. Now, before we get into showing you how this works and why you might use it
0:37 I want to point out that during the course we are using PyCharm Community Edition. That's free. Jupyter's also free. That's free and open source.
0:45 And that's what I'm going to be doing. I think that is the best way for beginners to get started
0:50 and honestly one of best ways for professional developers to work as well. That's how I work, every day. The reason I'm saying that is
0:56 if you can use the PyCharm Community Edition please do that. It'll be the closest match to what we have happening in the course.
1:02 Well, why might you want to use Jupyter after that statement, right? Jupyter Notebooks are very very popular in data science
1:08 and if you're going down the data science side of things you might want to work in this tool. You might want to just get some exposure to it
1:14 and you know, it doesn't have to be all or nothing you can do some work in Jupyter you can do some work in PyCharm. Now, I do want to point out
1:20 in Jupyter, the last, not the last two of the chapters, the second to last two chapters will not work in Jupyter at least not correctly.
1:29 Not the way we expect them to work so the one working on external libraries I don't think that's going to work and possibly the air handling one
1:38 as it's done currently. So there's definitely a reason to use other editors but if you are on that data science side of things
1:45 and you just want to get some experience being in a notebook by all means, set it up and use it for your editor as part of this course
1:52 it'll get you great exposure.

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