Python for Absolute Beginners Transcripts
Chapter: Error handling
Lecture: Practice time

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0:00 Of course it's time for you to practice adding air handling, creating exceptions and catching them in your program.
0:08 So that's what we're going to do in this practice exercise. Here we are over in CH11, Error Handling and we have a couple core concepts.
0:16 The basic try/except, which we talk about details here and then also the more advanced what do you do if you want to catch multiple errors
0:24 in one try block? Like the JSON itself is malformed or the file isn't there or the conversion didn't work or who knows what.
0:32 So it talks a little about that and then for your exercises go back to tic tac toe that we created or if you made it
0:37 as far as Connect 4 in our practice exercise, you want to use this one and the idea is to add error handling
0:44 around first the user input into the program using try and except, and then think of other ways that your program
0:50 could crash like for example Control C from the terminal that doesn't work in PyCharm but it does if you run it
0:56 from the terminal or maybe files are missing or other types of things that could go wrong, so you can check
1:00 the trace back, that's the big dump of what went wrong for the error type and you can add appropriate error handling for those as well.
1:07 So just practice making your program much more polished taking that input and handling those errors gracefully.
1:13 This is the sign of a professional, properly written program not one that just takes only the happy path
1:19 and then anything at all deviates it crashes, you don't want an app like that. So take this time to make your apps more solid.

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