Python for Absolute Beginners Transcripts
Chapter: Using external Python packages
Lecture: Introducing external packages

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0:00 So far we've done really cool things with Python, but the world of possibilities is about to explode with what you can do with Python.
0:09 In this chapter we're going to talk about working with external libraries, or external packages as they're usually referred to in Python.
0:17 Remember that graph I showed you the incredible growth of Python, how it's taking off? That's because people are finding
0:23 Python capable of doing so many things. And yes, what we've seen so far is pretty awesome the language and some of the standard library, things like
0:31 os.path and JSON and so on, are very very powerful. But they are dwarfed by these external libraries that you can use. There are so, so many of them.
0:40 So let's start this chapter with a bit of a comic that tells that story. Here we are back in our terminal. And if we just go and run Python3
0:49 we're back in our REPL, right? Remember this? Hello, world. Well, the way we use libraries in Python is we say import remember, import json, import os
0:59 and then we could do json.load, or whatever it was. Well, there's this XKCD comic that says there's so many awesome things that you can import
1:09 mostly talking to the external libraries, but also the stuff built in that they said you can even import anti-gravity. Check this out.
1:17 You import anti-gravity. I type this, it launches this XKCD comic and it's about Python. So check this out, there's this guy
1:23 he says his friend is up there. And this guy was, How are you flying?. The guys is, Python. I learned it last night.
1:30 Everything's so simple. Hello World is just print. Hello world. I don't know. Dynamic typing in white space?. Come join us, programming is fun again
1:38 It's a whole new world up here. But how are you flying?. I just typed import anti-gravity. That's it?.
1:45 Yeah, I also sampled everything in the medicine cabinet for comparison, but I think this is the Python. Anyway, this is really cool.
1:51 And it's a joke that just touches on how many things there are at your fingertips if you wanted to start working with these external libraries.
2:01 And that's what we're going to do in this chapter we're going to work with a couple of these libraries that are super awesome, they're going to enhance
2:06 our game even further, and you'll see just how easy it is to work with them.

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