Python for Absolute Beginners Transcripts
Chapter: Reading and writing files in Python
Lecture: Concept: Reading JSON
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Lets quickly review loading data from a text file as JSON. So there's actually a couple of steps involved. We wanted to manage a global variable
so we had to say global rolls we're going to write to that ultimately. We need the JSON libraries so we imported that at the top.
We also saw that the working directory affects where Python looks for non-fully specified paths. Right, it's just rolls out JSON as well.
It's wherever you are and if that's not where yo expect things don't work. So we use the os.path module to do all sorts of cool stuff.
Get the directory from a file and then take a directory plus a file name and join it together in a operating system independent way.
That was cool, we came up with files. And then we wanted to use the open function pass it the file, r to read
set the encoding, store it in a variable fin. But we wanted to make sure we did that safely and closed it up no matter what
so we put it in this with block into a context manager. Whew! Now we're finally ready to load our JSON and that's just one simple line.
So we just say json.load, give it the file stream and boom, out comes the Python dictionary that was stored in that file.