Python for Absolute Beginners Transcripts
Chapter: Code that interacts with users
Lecture: Using a debugger
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So you saw over here that we hard coded the count of the M&Ms so then I could play around with going through it knowing what was happening.
But we can actually do better than that. Sometimes it's impossible to hard code stuff because you don't control it.
Maybe you need it from somewhere else or something like that. So what we can do in PyCharm and other editors like Visual Studio Code
is we can use something called a debugger and debuggers are super, super cool. They're incredibly valuable for helping you understand
what's happening as your Python code or source code runs. So what I can do is I can scroll over here in between the number and between these texts here
I can click and it puts a red break point its what it's called and a whole like's kind of followed here.
So if I just run out like this nothing happened it just run like it did before and so on. But there's another button that kind of looks like a bug
for debugging this let's go back up here. If I run this it can have a little bit different look down here and it's going to stop right on this line
right with that break point is you can see it's stuck down here on you know guessing game you see it stop down here on line 10
just like it says right there. So if I step over if I go one line forward using this see this step over this means just go down this file one at a time
as opposed to go try to go inside this library and see what it's doing which would be this one and click this
and now, see that little gray piece up here M&M count is 26 and then down here M&M count is 26.
I can even go over here and change the value to something other than 26 if I wanted but let's go along a little further.
Oops I must've hit the wrong button. So now the count is 79 so when we go down here and notice we've gone our, while attempts are like we say
I'm going to step notice attempt limit is 5 current attempt is this we step one bit and then we going to go over here
and notice the console is asking for input we actually know the answer is 79 but I'm going to just say it's 70
and notice here's the guest text coming in and then we're going to go and convert that to a guest number now 70 without the quote
and I'm going to increment the attempt notice it goes orange appear that means it's value is recently changed so it's orange
because we change it right there. Now we can compare M&M Ncount 79 against guest 70 and let's see what happens says no that's not true
so to the next test sorry the guest is too low that will come out here. Now we're going to do another test one is still less than the limit
so let's keep going we go back to the debugger and see the values. When it's asking for the user input it's like hides all its values so let's put 80
and now it comes back and will show its value again we can see out attempt is 2 our guest is 80 and let's just keep going that's too high.
Let this time get it right and over here. 79. Alright, 79 and let's convert that to 79 right there. One more attempt, it's going to go from
notice up here from 2 and it's going to shown orange it go to three now it's going to be right so perfect. We're going to say you got this free lunch
and then break should take us down the line 26 empty search prior go to 27. Boom, there it is. We were done in three attempts.
Stop, that's the end of the program. That is super, super viable if you're having problems with your code working right you're doing a test
and it's not quite doing what you're expecting or even you're getting the error. So this debugger is extremely easy.
Click here, click there and you're going in PyCharm and yet it's really, really powerful to help you understand how you're code is executing
and what the values are at any moment.