Python for Absolute Beginners Transcripts
Chapter: Writing your first lines of code
Lecture: Concept: Concept sections

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0:00 Hope you enjoyed seeing a little bit of code written. Now, we're going to come back and write a lot of code throughout the rest of this entire course.
0:08 In fact, now that we get farther into this we're going to spend most of our time writing code but we're coming up on a different type of presentation.
0:16 A very short one, but I want to make sure you understand what it's about and why it's here. It's the concept section.
0:23 What we'll do throughout this course as we go through these demos and we do live codings we'll be playing around with ideas and we'll be writing code
0:31 and doing a bunch of stuff. And maybe that takes 10 minutes to get that whole section done. Well somewhere in there is the key idea of that lecture
0:39 and I'd make it possible for you to use this as reference material as much as learning material. That's one of the shortcomings of many video courses
0:48 so I've come up with this idea of the concept section. What we're going to do is we're going to spend 30 seconds to maybe a minute
0:55 on the core idea of what we've just learned. That way, three months down the road when you're like I need to come back and just see
1:02 how that one thing is done real quick instead of shuffling around through a bunch of demos and trying to watch and see what happened
1:08 you can just jump right to this one video and watch it. Alright, that's this idea of the concept section.
1:14 Some folk have been a little confused, they thought well why are we going over the same thing we just did that? Well, that's why.
1:20 So, watch it, learn from it now but keep in mind that these are really here for reference material as well.
1:26 So if you need to turn back, you got that 30 seconds jump into a concept and you've reminded yourself of exactly what that was.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon