Python for Absolute Beginners Transcripts
Chapter: Course setup and requirements
Lecture: PyCharm Pro for Free

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0:00 Now before we get started with this course I want to make sure that you have all the code that you're going to see written on the screen by me.
0:08 I'm going to make sure that everything that I write everything that I create is going to be saved and available for you, online, here on GitHub.
0:16 So at this address If you go here and you somehow download this
0:25 I'll show you a couple of options in a second. If you download this, then you'll be able to have all the code that we've written.
0:30 This is also where those issues are where I told you, you can potentially go find other people who've solved problems like yours and so on.
0:38 So, before you go any farther make sure you go over to GitHub. If you don't have an account, create one; you're going to want to have a GitHub account.
0:44 This is where all the software developers collaborate where you get all the libraries, all kinds of stuff.
0:48 And then just click that little star where it says unstar That's because I've already starred it. Click that star and even maybe click fork
0:54 so it goes over into your own space. But most importantly you need to clone or download it. So over here it says clone or download
1:01 it gives you options to either use Git which I'll show you in a second, or just download a zip file and uncompress it.
1:07 The advantage of having Git is if there's any updates it will get the new updates over time, whereas the download by zip is just a snapshot
1:14 of what it was at that moment. Now before we move off this, let's really quickly get that code onto my machine.
1:22 So we're going to go over here and in this folder I'm going to git clone, that stuff. So if you haven't used Git before you might need to install it.
1:30 So, you can see if you have it if you type "G-I-T". Git. If you get something like this, yay, you have Git.
1:36 You're probably good. If you get an error, like command "Git Not Found" then just google and install Git for your operating system.
1:43 Install Git for macOS, install Git from Windows, whatever. So what we're going to do is say git clone
1:47 now I've copied the URL from the GitHub repository so, there's that. And it's going to put it into this huge long folder here
1:56 and that's going to make things not quite as easy for me so I'm going to override the folder it's going to create.
2:01 I'll just say, "beginners-course", like that. If I hit go, it's going to go talk to it. It's downloaded all the details
2:10 and you can see here, there are just a couple of files. Now when you actually do this, it will have all the code
2:16 that I have not yet created, but I'm just about to. So, I've created this so I can start putting code in here
2:21 and saving it for you, but you should have more stuff of course, listed here because it will have everything I've already done in the future.
2:28 That's kind of cool.

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