Python Data Visualization Transcripts
Chapter: Dash
Lecture: Full app demo

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0:00 Now let's run our full dash app and see what it looks like. I'm gonna zoom out a little bit so you can see a little bit more of
0:07 it. So as we talked about we have our histogram here. We now have a scatter plot with all of our normal plotly functionality.
0:18 Notice how this histogram does not have the bar that comes up here so we disabled that. You can still see it here.
0:25 Then we have our year range slider as well as our transmission type selection boxes.
0:32 So let's change the year range slider to may be do 2010 through 2014 and you'll notice that my data is updating in real time based on that selection.
0:47 We can also choose to only have automatic and all of my data updates,
0:55 let's add those in. And then the other really interesting feature that we added is that if you want to see some of the data,
1:04 we have this table down here, there's a nice display of the data. So we're going to just for the purposes of this it is hard because there can
1:12 sometimes be multiple dots on top of each other. So let's select the lasso and highlight these two nodes that they turn red.
1:25 And then you can see those items down here showing the three selected points.
1:29 So this is really useful for diving into your data and a really fun kind of
1:35 exploratory tool that we've created. And then we also have our reset selection button that
1:42 we created that keeps track of how many items are selected and then we'll now show only the top 10. So this is a good way to explore your data play
1:55 around with it. Use some of these different widgets and I encourage you to download this file and actually make some changes to it.
2:04 Play around with it and understand how the callbacks work and how the different elements work so that you can customize it for your own specific needs.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon