Python Data Visualization Transcripts
Chapter: Seaborn
Lecture: Displot relplot and facetting
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As we continue to explore how to use Seaborn. I've created another notebook to import EPA fuel economy summary data.
In this case I'm going to continue to use the dark grid style. So let's walk through an example of the displot.
In this example we passed our data frame we'll use the fuel cost along the X axis past the year as the hue.
And I'm also passing aspect equals 2.5 to spread this out. So it takes up more space and is a little more appealing.
This is just one of the many options that's available to adjust the size of your
seaborn plots. And I want to point this out while we're going through this.
So let me give another example let's say we want to do a similar plot instead of looking at it by each individual year because there's a lot of years.
Maybe we do the date range instead. Now we have a different view. We can see that the dates from 2000 to 2010 tend to cost a little bit
more than the more recent models. Now if we want to vary the data by column let's kind of keep similar
sort of data will continue to look at the fuel cost. But let's change it instead of using hue let's pass column and I don't really need
the aspect ratio for this visualization and now what we've done is now we have broken
the plot into two different plots by date range and this is a really nice way to just quickly go back and forth between the visualizations and see.
Is this one a little easier to understand than this one. And I would say in this case I do like having the two plots side by
side versus the plots with different colors. Now I'll show an example of,
let's say we'll use a similar plot this time will change the kind and will also change the row. So here I did column equal state range.
Now I'll do row equal state range and it will do what you expect added in two different rows. And in this case I'm using a
'kde'. So I get that that smooth curve versus the individual bars of the dis plot. And if I want to continue this I can take a look at a
similar approach for the relationship plot. So let's do a relationship plot and will pass the cylinders and combined 08,
what if I want to take this and add a color. So we'll use hue specify the drive column.
Now we have a single plot but you can see the four wheel drive versus two
wheel drive where they end up in their combined fuel economy as well as the cylinders
in these different vehicles. And if I want to do a similar approach. Now, just like I did with the catplot with the relationship plot and maybe
I'll clean this up a little bit and maybe I'll add a column to spread my
data across the different columns. I'll keep the kind equal scatter and now I have
two plots. The date ranges change across each column and I continue to have the
color. So this will be 4 wheel drive and two wheel drive vehicles from 2011 to 2020 and this is from 2000 to 2010 if I want to,
maybe the scatter plot isn't the best way to look at it. So let's keep everything else the same.
But let's change the kind to line and now we can see the two different plots and what the variations are by year.
It gives us a little bit more insight into what those relationships are over time, as well as between the cylinders and the combined fuel economy.
But what I really like about this is when I'm working with Seaborn, I can start with one type of plot and easily change it to different plots by
changing the kind by varying the data on the columns and the rows and changing the
hue to get the data just in the way I need it to answer my business problem.