Python Data Visualization Transcripts
Chapter: Visualization Concepts
Lecture: Working with data
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We've talked about data visualization quite a bit but I don't want to lose sight of
the fact that a lot of data visualization should really be a part of working with
your data. And I thought this quote from Mike Bostok really drove that home.
I want to give one specific example of tidy data versus wide data to hammer this concept home. When we talk about tidy data,
I mean data in the example that is one line has all the complete information. It's like a record in a database.
So in this case for the amazon sales data we have the name of the book
the author and the user rating and some other information by year we can transform that data into a wide data set using the pivot table function.
So here we have the fiction and nonfiction reviews by year in the wide data format
My point with all of this is that when we're doing data visualization,
you need to be prepared and comfortable using tools like groupby, pivot table, or melt
to get the data transformed in a way that is most effective for the visualization tool.