Python 3.11: A Guided Tour Through Code Transcripts
Chapter: Type Updates for 3.11
Lecture: What's New in Types for 3.11?

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0:00 Way back in 2014 and Pep 484, Python introduced type hints or type annotations and it goes by both names
0:10 These are great little additions to the language. They don't have really much effect or any effect depending on
0:17 which framework you're using on how your code runs, but it lets your editors be smarter.
0:22 It lets linting tools like mypy look at where you're calling a function with a certain variable type and what
0:30 you declare. It's supposed to take and check and make sure everything's hanging together. Much like a static language like C# or java,
0:38 but not with all the restrictions of a true static language For me it is a great middle ground in Python 11
0:47 Bring some cool new features. Let's go see what's new for types in Python 3.11.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon