Python 3.11: A Guided Tour Through Code Transcripts
Chapter: Error Handling Improvements and except*
Lecture: No Cost Exceptions, Seen Through Byte Code
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Here's another one of those features that is either for error handling or is for performance.
You know what leans a little bit more towards the error handling.
So we're going to talk about it now, but it just as well could fit into the chapter where we
talk about performance and that is zero cost exception handling. Did you know that if you were to write proper python code with try except blocks,
you paid a price for that? Not a huge price, but there was a performance cost even when it succeeded. Well, as part of the faster c python team,
Mark Shannon and a bunch of other folks as you can see here worked on making exception handling basically free not
have any overhead unless there's an error and in which case it becomes slightly more expensive but that's the exceptional.
Not the standard case. So I think that's the right choice, let's play with that. So let's call this zero cost exceptions first.
I just want to start by having a little bit of code to play with and just seeing how it works So let's drop this in here. We've got a troubling method.
Was it troubling. Well, it may take a crash, it may take a header, so we pass in some kind of string and its job is to convert
it to an integer and it just tries goes into of X. That better work. We might get a value error and says,
Oh no, well that didn't work. In which case it returns -1.
It might get some weird or like maybe the thing we passed in had this ability to be converted to an
end but it through an exception, say it wasn't implemented or we just don't know what's wrong.
Right? Something went wrong. It has all these print statements. Obviously that was probably not what you would do but no matter what case,
either returns this value or this. So we call it with a good number like this,
Let's do our name convention here and try again. We get 77 So 77 is great,
we do it 901. We can even call it with I know 2 as an integer and it should work
But you know the typing says don't do that but we're gonna do it anyway. Right? What if we pass this number 9 900 will that work?
Let's try. Oh no, it couldn't be converted because of values invalid, literal intent with a base 10 900 we got negative one.
Alright, well that didn't work. Standard python code, I mean it's a little contrived but this is kind of how you're supposed to do it right?
You try to do the thing, you catch the exceptions, you handle them, deal with it. So it turns out that to write this part,
even if everything succeeds in previous versions of python, there was a price to be paid. So let's see try from dis import this Now this is a thing,
we can call on a function that will or class or different things that will show us the python byte code
commands. So basically the assembly language, the lowest level building blocks of what python actually does because a lot
of times you'll see one line like this, like oh, that's one or two lines, that's a bunch of things happening.
The python has to actually do to make that work. For example, pointing out that it's entering an exception block.
Okay, so in addition to this, let's just do dis of troubling method, take away that run it and there we have Oh,
a bunch of stuff. All right, now, this is only somewhat interesting on its own. Let's actually take this, let's go out and run this two ways here,
Way on the left will say Python 3 11, this and we'll say Python 3.10 this what I want
to do is compare the byte code that comes out from each of them and show you the actual byte code
that python uses, what actually happens in the python run time is different now than it used to be.
So there's this one, there's that one notice, first of all, there's an exception table. That's kind of interesting. Well,
let's go to the top where we right there to resume. The first, the first line there. This one starts at eight,
but that's fine. We get the top resume kind of nothing. No up is kind of nothing. Then we load fast the X,
the value of X and then we do a pre call and I call this is I believe an optimization from
a specialized interpreter. We'll get to that later in the course and then we return the value.
So notice those five those five statements there, there's nothing about exception handling. But if you get past that you don't do the return value,
then you push the exception information, you load up the value error or you load up the not implemented.
So you do this extra work right here and then you go into the exception handling. That's 3.11. That's the new, the new goodness over here.
What's the very first thing set up? The finally the final thing that you're doing and then we're gonna run down here, do the stuff that we already did,
that's this. And then we're gonna pop things worked. It looks like we're gonna pop the exception block and return the value.
Otherwise we get into the exception handling. So notice 3.11,
If things go right, we don't see anything about exceptions or finally or working with the exception blocks.
It's only when there is an error that we pay the price. So pretty cool. Other than that though, it should have run exactly the same.
We should have 77 901 1 null, it couldn't convert and we do, behaves the same its just a matter of performance