Python 3.11: A Guided Tour Through Code Transcripts
Chapter: Error Messages
Lecture: Opening the Code for the Course

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0:00 Let's get going and write some code. Now, since this is the very first time we're opening any of
0:07 the code from this course, I'm gonna take you through a couple of steps of setting it up afterwards.
0:13 We'll just jump right in. Okay. Over here you can see I've get cloned this repo that I shared
0:19 with you before and I'm gonna drop it over on the PyCharm on MacOS. You can drop the folders on Linux and windows,
0:28 you have to say file, open directory. So here we have the starter version. Of course this will be more filled out as we get going.
0:38 If you look down here in the right, you can see that PyCharm has made a bad choice for
0:43 us. Remember this has to be Python 3.11 or newer for this to work. Right? And it's decided, you know what? We're going to be totally good with 3.9,
0:53 I've got 3.9, 10 and 11 installed. So let's go and add a local interpreter. I'm gonna pick a new virtual environment and again it guessed wrong,
1:06 but it got slightly better guess 3.10 that time. So we're gonna say 3.11 here is what I want to base this on,
1:14 Go ahead and update that as well. Okay, now you can see we've got 3 11 this virtual environment
1:23 set up here. So just make sure whether using PyCharm or you're using visual studio code when it auto
1:29 detects the virtual environment, that is the right one.
1:32 Or if there's not a virtual environment at all and it's going to create one, make sure you get the version 3.11.

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