Python 3.11: A Guided Tour Through Code Transcripts
Chapter: Error Messages
Lecture: PEP 657: Fine-grained Error Details

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0:00 The most important upgrade for error reporting in Python 3.11 comes to us via PEP 657.
0:08 It's got a non obvious or not. Super clear name include fine grained error locations in trace back.
0:16 This one turns out to be incredibly helpful. As we'll see in prior versions of python,
0:24 basically all you got was a line by line your information somewhere on this potentially really complicated line of code,
0:32 something went wrong and now we'll get down to the individual keyword or the individual function call or symbol on that
0:41 line of code that caused the problem. It's really, really helpful. Pretty much everyone who comes across this is like,
0:48 yes, amazing. Wait, why wasn't this here before? It's so helpful. So There's actually some of the work done by the faster
0:56 CPython team that built the foundations that made this easy impossible. So thats why it is in 3.11

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