Python 3.11: A Guided Tour Through Code Transcripts
Chapter: Introducing Python 3.11
Lecture: Releasing Python: The Live Stream

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0:00 Python 3.11 was released on october 24th, 2022. Often when software like this released, there's a bunch of work done in the background,
0:10 you're not aware of it, you have no visibility into it and then all of a sudden there's a blog
0:16 post or there's some kind of social media announcement. But for 3 11, the folks behind the release there, they made it very public,
0:25 not just the fact that it was released, but how it was released and they live streamed the process of
0:32 doing all the release channels, pushing out to the different locations.
0:36 For example, the version that comes with the Microsoft Windows store as well as the stuff you download off of
0:43, updating the website and documentation, reflect those changes. So if you really want to see how the sausage is made,
0:51 if you want to see some small presentations from the people behind some of the core features as well.
0:56 During the downtime, say, while a 10 minute build is running or something, check it over here on YouTube. It's a lot of fun.

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