Move from Excel to Python with Pandas Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion and review
Lecture: Conda review

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0:00 in the next chapter. We talked a little bit about the basic Python knowledge you need toe understand before completing this course,
0:07 and then we walk through how to get Python set up and running on your Windows
0:11 system. The primary focus of this process was installing conduct and using it to set
0:17 up your environments. Keep in mind when you set up your environments to keep your
0:20 base environment clean and create other environments where you do the work. Here is some of the kind of commands that we walk through so you can use
0:28 Kanda info to see all your environments. When you need to create a new environment,
0:33 use the conduct, create command and specify which version of Python to use. You can activate Kanda environments with Conda.
0:41 Activate use conduct to install packages for optimal performance. If you need to use pip,

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