Move from Excel to Python with Pandas Transcripts
Chapter: Case study walk through: Sales commissions
Lecture: Environment setup

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0:00 The first step in the process is to get my environment set up. Now that amend my work environment,
0:06 I need to use cookie cutter to install the directory structures you can read. Download it now. Need to give it a project name.
0:14 I'm gonna call this mission's analysis. It's gonna create the directory name for us, which is fine. And now, if we go into commissions analysis,
0:25 we'll see the directory structure that cookie cutter created for us. Now we launch our Jupyter notebook,
0:32 and now we have our notebook structure with the two vials that were creatives as part of Cookie cutter as well as the directory structure,
0:39 where we need to store our input files and will eventually store our port files.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon