Move from Excel to Python with Pandas Transcripts
Chapter: Aggregating, grouping, and merging
Lecture: Aggregating merging grouping intro

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0:00 in this chapter, we're gonna talk about aggregating grouping emerging data with pandas. So what We mean when we say aggregating data,
0:08 here's an example of what you would do in Excel. You may not use the term aggregation,
0:13 but what you're doing is getting a summary statistical view of a set of data. In this example, we want to see what the average prices of column F or
0:23 the standard deviation of that price. And you use the standard Excel formula in this case, the average formula on all the values in column F.
0:31 If you'd like to do something similar and pandas, you can use the ag function on a column and pass it a list of different
0:38 functions that you want to apply. In this case, we compute the same mean and standard deviation on the price call This could be very powerful,
0:46 with multiple functions and multiple columns, all called it once so you can get a really nice summary of your data using
0:53 pandas Pandas approach encourages you to work on the entire data set using very powerful commands

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