Move from Excel to Python with Pandas Transcripts
Chapter: Data wrangling with Pandas
Lecture: Pandas data types

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0:00 it's really important to understand pandas data types when wrangling Data Excel doesn't manage data types in quite the same way. In this example,
0:08 I'm showing how you can use self formatting to change the way a date column is
0:13 display in pandas. The DFM Folk Command will show you the different data types that are assigned to each column, and for the most part,
0:22 when you read in, data handles will determine the correct data type. But sometimes you will have to convert to a specific data type,
0:29 and we will talk about that in future chapters. For now, here's a summary of some of the key data types that will be
0:34 working with and when you want to use them. The object data type is mostly used for working with text.
0:40 The date time is used for working with the date or time or a combination of both. And if you want to numeric operations,
0:47 the data type needs to be an end or a float. There are also some more advanced options. Such a category Boolean and string data types,

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