Move from Excel to Python with Pandas Transcripts
Chapter: Code data concepts
Lecture: Getting organized

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0:00 in this chapter will talk about how to organize your files and directory structures so that
0:05 you can work most effectively with data in your Jupyter notebooks. If you've worked with Excel for any period of time,
0:12 you probably see a situation like this where you have a bunch of files in a directory. It's very hard to tell which one is the most recent file or what
0:19 you had to do to actually develop those files. When working with Jupyter notebooks, you can,
0:24 unfortunately have a similar situation. We have a bunch of untitled notebooks in a directory which is very difficult to work with.
0:30 I really believe that having good organizational set up before you get started is critical for
0:35 building a manageable process. If you like cooking shows like I do, there's a concept called "Mise en place",
0:41 which essentially means that you need to get organized before you get started working,
0:45 you need to have a consistent file structure and naming convention that you use on every

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