MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Deployment
Lecture: Creating an Encryption Key

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0:00 The next big thing to do on the checklist is to encrypt communications. So we're going to go to our SSL folder on the server. CD etc/SSL.
0:16 And we're going to create a self-signed certificate. That's going to be good. You know, this doesn't need to be that short. Make this 10 years.
0:25 You can make it however long you want, but you better remember to update it if you set a short number there. It's going to be a problem.
0:30 So I'm going to make that good for 10 years and it's a new 2048-bit certificate that we can use. Put in something that makes sense here.
0:43 It doesn't really matter. So now you can see we have these two keys. We're going to combine them into one with this.
0:57 We can see we have the private key and the certificate. Excellent, MongoDB is going to need that. Perfect, so we have this key setting here.
1:07 We don't, until we install Mongo, we can't actually plug it in. We'll do that in just a moment. But you're gonna need to have the certificate
1:16 and the key here, so that part is done.

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