MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: PyPI Beanie
Lecture: CLI Skeleton
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All right, let's create our CLI app now. I'll go over here and I'm just going to create a standard Python thing. I'll call it CLI.
And let's go ahead and just run it to make sure that we're running not some old thing but this current one here. Looks like it's running the right one.
Cool. So we're going to just have a main method and the first thing we're going to do is initialize the connection to MongoDB to make sure that works.
And of course, you've got to do that before you can work with the database structures
at all. So let's define a main method. Remember I added this shortcut to run this. Now this
is your standard way of getting started in Python, right? But in order to work with Beanie,
remember everything is async over there. So this has to be async, which means that if
we still run it, we'll just get a warning. Coroutine main was not actually run. It was is not awaited, we have to say this.
Now we get it working. So the first thing that I want to do, instead of saying hello, is I want to have a little header like,
welcome to the PyPI CLI some version. I'm going to drop in some text here, just says PyPI CLI version 1.0, and we're going to call print header.
Make sure that's working. Beautiful, look at how amazing our ASCII art is now. So that's great, we've got our print header.
Then we want to use our Mongo setup to connect to PyPI. Let's do that. So say Mongo, you hit Control + Space twice,
PyCharm will go look to autocomplete and import stuff for us. Beautiful, thank you PyCharm. And hit connection and the DB name will be PyPI.
I double check over here. It is PyPI, super. Now there's a warning because we're not awaiting, right? Coroutine was not awaited. Await.
All right, let's run that and make sure that this works. Well, it looks like we found our first problem here.
Let's jump over to our package real quick. And it says right here, you can't use bson.objectid. Whoops, I grabbed the wrong one.
We want beanie.pydantic.objectid. So it's like an object ID, but one that pydantic can work with. There we go, connected to PyPI.
And as we noticed from that error, a little side benefit from screwing that up, is that
you notice that it actually validated that everything was working together pretty well.
There's still some possibilities of things going wrong, but some of the validation, some of the checks that we got things right are happening.
The next thing that I want to do is have a summary of what data we have in our database.
For example, if we go back to the PyPI homepage here, you can see we have how many projects, how many files, how many releases, how many users.
So I want to have something like that at the beginning of our startup that says, ""How much data do you have in here?
And I'm going to create a little method here that says, ""Show summary"" or just ""Summary, and it'll just print out the stats when we get going.
So we're going to need to get the package count, release count, and user count, and it has to be async because we're talking to the database.
So up here, we're going to go, let's put the database stuff together, summary.
Now if we run it, it's not actually yet talking to the database, it just has PyPI stats there.
Let's put a parent just to get a little separation on the reporting. There we go.
So our goal is going to be to actually talk to the database and fill out that, like how do we get the release count or the user count, right?
So we still need to write that bit of code. And then I want to have a loop, like a REPL almost,
where it goes around and says, ""What do you want to do? Do you want to show the summary? Do you want to search for a package? And that kind of stuff.
We can just put that up here. Here's a little starter for what we might do, just so we don't have to type it all out.
So while true, we're going to let people say, Enter S to show the summary again, F to search for packages,
P to list the most recently updated packages, U to create a user. What is that? That's R to create or release, or X to exit.
And we're just going to go around and around until either they exit out and we'll just let them interact with it in this way. Alright?
So our goal is going to be to write all these different functions to make that happen. happen.