MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: PyPI Beanie
Lecture: Creating the DB Models
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So to create the Beanie models, which recall are really just Pydantic models with a couple of extras and a different base class,
we want to go and define that class. Now we could do this by hand, or we could come back to our friend JSON to Pydantic.
And we're just going to use this tool here because we want it to match exactly and it doesn't make that much sense for you to watch me go,
Oh, it was an underscore in the created date instead of no underscore, just the words together, things like that.
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to Studio 3T, grab the JSON representation and drop it over here and then convert it,
and then we'll actually do some editing on these classes. So step number one, get a rough representation to start with
so that we don't have to drudge through that. Let's go. Over here, notice we've got things that are actually not part of JSON.
We have this ISO date up here. This is great. We also, if you go, let's see another one, for example, object ID.
This is not a thing that is in regular JSON. So remember this JSON to Pydantic is not JSON to Beanie. It doesn't understand MongoDB things.
This is gonna say, this is a malformed JSON. So what we can do is we can come over here and say, customize the view to just show pure JSON,
which will help us with this. You can also just edit it by hand, it's not a huge deal. The other thing is, is we go through here,
you see there's multiple records. So let's just get one that we expect to be representative. So we'll just say limit one,
that way we can just come down here, Command + A, Command + C or Control + A, Control + C. Right, so this is gonna be the most complicated one,
this packages one. Let's put that in here first. Hello bar, goodbye bar. We give it a second and over here we've got our type.
So this model, this is actually what we're gonna call package, then this is our embedded piece here and then we have those, all right.
So I'm just gonna take these pieces, here's too many layers of scrolling and let's put that into a class.
Also notice that you can have it auto adjust your API, your names and so on there. If you're working with like a C# API or a JavaScript API
that has a different naming convention. Over to chapter eight, Beanie PyPI. I'm gonna make a folder here called models, lowercase models.
And that's where I'm gonna put these different classes. We could make a module called models, but I kinda wanna have it like this.
I really prefer, if you have taken my courses before, you'll know that I prefer to have one class per file
or really focused files and have more of them brought together. So that's what I'm doing. You do what you like. So this is gonna be Package, like that.
And we'll just do a paste. Now, notice I would rather type Pydantic for the moment here and import Pydantic.
Now, because Release is not a top-level object, it is actually an embedded object. Pydantic base model is the right type here.
This one is gonna be package and this is not gonna be a base model, right? It needs to be something that, for example,
brings in the queryability and the ID. So this is gonna be a Beanie document. And this docs URLs, a lot of times where we have any,
it's because it was null. So we want this to be optional, but it's not actually any, it's a string or it's optional.
Just because it's null, the Pydantic converter is like, you've given me no information, so this is what you get.
I'll say this is an optional of string. And let's go ahead and apply that to a couple. For example, this could be that way,
package URL, author name, especially the any. And this, in newer Python, we can use a lowercase list as of three,
and this is going to be a list of bson.objectId. That comes from MongoDB from PyMongo. And again, up here, this is going to be a dateTime.
We need to import that, datetime. That member datetimes, for whatever reason, don't exist in Java and JSON. So there's no way for it to know
that this could be a datetime, right? This is one of those bson upgrades, just like the objectId at the bottom here. And we have our list of release.
Okay, this is looking totally good again, int, int, int, create a date comment. This should be optional.
I think that's the only one that needs to be optional there. Excellent, so we've got everything working
for our most complicated part of our data model, the package and its nested embedded releases. Let's do the other two real quick
and we'll have these models put together. This one, we could do the limit one, But you know what? Not necessary.
Now again, notice it says invalid JSON for a second. Let's just turn that, tell them that's a string. So this is simple enough.
We could have typed it in ourself. This one, recall, was called release analytics. So we're just going to call the class name that as well. [no audio]
This should be a Beanie document. And it's going to be ReleaseAnalytics. The class, this we don't have to put here, right?
Explicitly this is handled by the base class, and this is an integer, so pretty simple, right? There it is. And finally, the last one we have is User.
Now, I know we modeled User again in the previous demos we've done, but I want to make sure it's an exact match, so let's just say limit 1.
And we'll just take this one, assume it's typical enough. Go in here. I'd use the simplified pure JSON view, so we'll take just that part there.
Again, this was null, so this is an optional.
But it's not just any, it's an optional string. Same there. And this is a beanie. The ID is done by itself, yes. It's called a user.
Email is fine. Hash password is going to be an optional string. Created date again is a date/time. This was a null. And this is a location.
Now, if maybe you weren't necessarily going to set a location, you could make this be
an optional location, but it looks like every record had it, so we're going to leave it like this here. And there it is.
We have our user with their embedded location. We have our package with its embedded release, and we have our release analytics because
we need to answer the question of how many packages there are, how many releases there are total, and that's just not something that we can simply do.
could do with the aggregation framework, but would it really be as fast as you want for something you might want to know all the time? Probably not.
So, we're just going to create this separate collection to store that little bit of data. And there it is.
Hopefully going through that process helped you a lot. I know it was a little bit repetitive perhaps, but going through it a couple times, showing
you how to actually bring all of that data over. We just did three collections. if you have a lot of different collections,
it's giving you a real clear roadmap and set of steps to make this happen in what I consider a pretty easy way.
There might be a mistake or two I haven't caught, hopefully not, like something that was specified as a string when it really should be an optional,
but we'll see about that. But I think we're pretty much there and we're ready to start doing some beanie with these models.