MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Modeling with Documents
Lecture: Modeling Introduction

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0:00 At this point, I'm sure you've seen we have a lot of flexibility with modeling data with
0:08 documents, usually way more than we have when we're doing relational data with tables.
0:14 That begs the question of, are there best practices for modeling with documents? In relational databases, we have third normal form.
0:23 That comes out of some of the constraints maybe of the 1970s to save space on data more
0:29 than on compute, but it's also about ensuring the right relationships, ensuring there's no data duplication, and those kinds of things.
0:38 So does third normal form give us guidance? Well, yes, sometimes, but not entirely.
0:43 There are other considerations and other options that we might have when we're working with document databases like MongoDB.
0:51 In this chapter, we're going to spend a little bit of time talking through a couple of examples,
0:55 of those best practices and trade-offs you need to consider.

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